Stress at Work

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published research showing that teaching, nursing, and management and professional occupations report the highest levels of work-related stress.

The scale of occupational stress: A further analysis of the impact of demographic factors and type of job is a report based on research carried out by Professor Andy Smith and his team at the University of Bristol.

A previous report based on the same study stated that upto 1 in 5 of British workers reported being very or extremely stressed by their work. The present report outlines further analysis which breaks the data down into categories such as occupation, full-time or part-time hours, social class, ethnicity and sex.

Research Center

What is Stress?

It is generally accepted that modem living can be very stressful. It is important to understand the causes of stress, to differentiate between good and bad stress, and how massage contributes to its management.


Not all Stress is harmful. Many people do their best work when stressed. The need to achieve and the drive to obtain success can in themselves be helpful rather than harmful factors and may contribute to a harmonious lifestyle. Much outstanding work in the fields of science, arts and business has been a attained under conditions of stress. Therefore it is necessary to look at stress, its causes and the factors which can make it harmful.