Bespoke Corporate Wellness Solutions in Havant

Revitalise Your Workplace Atmosphere with On-site Massage in Havant

Call our Bournemouth team on 01202 942 196 for more information.

Elevate your workplace atmosphere with on-site massage services in Havant. Our professional therapists deliver personalised treatments that target stress and tension, leaving your employees feeling rejuvenated, appreciated, and ready to excel in their roles.

Promote Workplace Wellness with On-site Massage Programmes

On-site massage is an excellent addition to corporate wellness programmes, helping to alleviate stress and promote a healthy work environment. By offering massage services to your employees, you're investing in their wellbeing and demonstrating your commitment to their long-term health and happiness.

Hire Yoga and Mindfulness Instructors in Havant

In addition to on-site massage, Sense Massage Therapy also provides instructors for a range of fabulous classes for hire in Havant. These include yoga and stretching, as well as the ever-popular mindfulness, to help your staff or guests unwind and take the time to relax. Whether you want to hire our instructors for your next staff wellness day or for a big event - whether corporate or personal - our classes are a great inclusive activity to get everyone involved.

Media Industry: Enhancing Productivity with On-Site Massages

Sense Massage Therapy extends its services to the media industry, delivering soothing massage treatments to actors, crew members, editing teams, backstage personnel, and performers. Our massages help maintain a calm and cheerful atmosphere amidst the typically high-stress environment of media production, fostering increased focus and productivity.

Friendly and Professional On-Site Massage Solutions for Every Event

At Sense, our approach combines friendliness and professionalism, resulting in a reliable service that caters to events of all sizes. Our responsive customer service team is always available to provide guidance and support, ensuring that you find the ideal massage solution for your event.

Empower your team with our office massage solutions. Call our specialists on 01202 942 196 or get a free online quote. Experience the difference wellness can make!

We're also available in: Emsworth, Horndean, South Hayling, Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham, Chichester, Stubbington, Swanmore and Petersfield.